Well today the baby of the family turned 14 (September 13). It is so cute, from the day we arrived our guard Bokatu has called Cameron "Baby" which is a term of endearment in Ethiopia. Often throughout each day I will hear Bokatu saying "Baby come here" or "Baby be careful" (if Cameron is riding his bike). This morning he asked Warren "Is Baby still sleeping?", because a few of them were outside the gate playing soccer and wanted Cameron to come out and join them :)
Bokatu had lunch with us and was quizzing Cameron on his Amharic
We went for Birthday Supper. The man to Andy's left is a fellow teacher at the girls' school
Here is a picture of Bokatu and "Baby" at Camerons Birthday party
These are some of Gelila's nieces and nephew in the background.
Happy Birthday song :)
It's a birthday Cam will for sure never forget!